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Factor Tutorial

How to take factorial?

Enter any equation like that 4x3 + 6x2.

Example :-


$$4x^3\;=\;2 * 2 * x * x * x$$

$$6x^2\;=\;2 * 3 * x * x$$

$$\text{So the common factors are}\;=$$

$$\;2 * x * x \;=\;2x^2$$

Example :-

$$36x^2 + 12x - 6$$

$$36x^2\;=\;2 * 2 * 3 * 3 * x * x$$

$$12x\;=\;2 * 2 * 3 * x$$

$$6\;=\;2 * 3$$

$$\text{So the common factors are}\;=$$

$$\;2 * 3\;=\;6$$

Example :-

$$-5b- 15b^2$$

$$\text{So the common factors are}\;=\;5b$$