The percentage change calculator helps you determine the percentage increase or decrease between two values. This tool can be useful in various scenarios such as financial analysis, economics, statistics, or any situation where you need to compare two quantities and understand the relative change between them in percentage terms.
The percentage change, also known as Percent Change, refers to the ratio of the difference in a quantity to its initial value, multiplied by 100. It measures the increase or decrease in a value or quantity over time and is expressed as a percentage of the original value. For instance, if the price of a stock rises from $40 to $50, it represents a 25% increase. Conversely, if the price drops from $50 to $40, it indicates a 20% decrease.
The formula for calculating percent change is:
$$ \text{Percentage Change} = \left( \frac{\text{Final Value} - \text{Initial Value}}{\text{Initial Value}} \right) \times 100 $$
To calculate the percentage change between two values, follow these steps:
Suppose the initial value (old value) is $50, and the final value (new value) is $70.
Now, use the percentage change formula to calculate percentage change:
Adding up the values into the percent change formula:
Now, perform the percent change calculation:
So, the percentage change from $50 to $70 is a 40% increase. You can save your time by using the percent change calculator for this calculation.
Suppose the initial value (old value) is $70, and the final value (new value) is $50.
Now, again put all these values into the percent change equation:
Finally, perform the calculation:
So, in this case, the percentage change from $70 to $50 is a decrease of approximately 28.57%.
The percentage change calculator quickly shows you the percent change and the difference between values along with step-by-step solutions.
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