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Frequency Converter


What is Frequency Converter?

Frequency converter is a calculating tool that allows you to convert a frequency value in its standard unit to its bigger and smaller units. For understanding how our frequency converter works, one needs to understand the concept of frequency and its units. Let’s have a look at it.

What is Frequency?

In the simplest terms frequency is the number of times a thing or event occurs in a given time period. Now if we want to define it following a more scientific approach we can say that frequency is the rate per second of a vibration (in the form of a wave). The wave could be a sound wave or an electromagnetic one (radio or light wave) which can be calculated with a frequency distribution calculator.

Frequency has two types:

Resonant frequency

Relative frequency.

What is Resonant Frequency?

It is a type of sound wave frequency which is measured by the physical parameters i.e. vibration of a vibrating object. In other words it is a natural frequency of vibrations. At its resonant frequency a subject is easy to get vibrated than at any other frequency. It is easy to calculate through a relative frequency calculator.

What is Relative Frequency?

A relative frequency is measured in relation to the total environment. It is the fraction of times an answer occurs. For measuring the relative frequency you divide initially calculated frequency value by the total number of trials conducted. A relative frequency calculator calculate this type of frequency in a splash.

What is the Unit of Frequency? The SI unit of frequency is Hertz (Hz). One Hertz simply means once per second; 1/s. It is the number of cycles per second of any oscillating phenomenon. For every frequency there is a reciprocal time period. This time period is the time difference between two frequencies; difference of time between one event of similar kind and the very next. What are the other Units of Frequency? Standard unit of frequency is Hertz only. But since Hz represents only one cycle per second so frequency is also expressed through bigger units such as Kilohertz (KHz),

Megahertz (MHz), and Gigahertz (GHz).

  • Kilohertz refer to how many thousands of cycles occur per second.
  • Megahertz refer to how many millions of cycles occur per second.
  • Gigahertz refers to how many billions of cycles occur per second.
Frequency Definitions Frequency in words
Definition of Hertz (Hz) One Hertz - One cycle per Second
Definition of Kilohertz (Khz) One Kilohertz - One Thousand cycle per Second = 1,000
Definition of Megahertz (Mhz) One Megahertz - One Million cycle per Second = 1,000,000
Definition of Gigahertz (Ghz) One Gigahertz - One Billion cycle per Second = 1,000,000,000

How to Calculate the Frequency of a Wave?

Before our frequency converter does the job of converting between smaller and bigger units of frequency, you must have a value of frequency to begin with.

Every wave has a wavelength and travels through a medium having a certain phase speed. Automatically, it means that every wave has a frequency. And that frequency is inversely proportional to the wavelength by the phase speed (speed of wave travelling through a given medium).

This means;


Where V is the speed of wave and λ is the wavelength.

Above mentioned formula is for the frequency of a sound wave.A sound wave has a general speed of 343 m/s in air. Frequency range of sound audible for a human ear is between 20 Hz - 20,000 Hz.

Another physical wave that carries a frequency is a light wave.

In the electromagnetic spectrum there are various frequencies of light. But what is common is the fact that we assume phase speed (v) to be equal to the speed of light (c) for all electromagnetic waves. Speed of light is equal to 3*108 m/s.

This means for an electromagnetic wave (including light) formula for calculating frequency is;


How Does Frequency Converter Work?

As we explained above, one hertz indicates a single cycle or vibration per second. One thousand cycles per second is 1 kilohertz, or 1KHz, and 1,000,000 cycles per second is 1 megahertz, or 1 MHz.

Frequency calculator uses arithmetic for these conversions.

We are going to give you an example of the formula for converting a value of frequency in Hz to KHz.

1Hz = 0.001kHz


1kHz = 1000Hz

Hertz to kilohertz formula

The frequency f in kilohertz (kHz) is equal to the frequency f in hertz (Hz) divided by 1000:



Convert 300 hertz to kilohertz:


Suppose it is quick requirement during a practical or exam preparation and you have to follow the whole process of conversion that we mentioned above. For sure it would create hassle and definitely it would be time consuming. Instead, why won’t you use a friendly tool; that is our frequency converter. This converter will save your precious time and all the extra hard work you were going to put in for manually doing these conversions.

Let us give you another example of conversion that would consequently explain how helpful and generous our little handy frequency converter is J

Convert megahertz to gigahertz

1GHz = 1000MHz


1MHz = 0.001GHz

Megahertz to gigahertz formula

The frequency f in gigahertz (GHz) is equal to the frequency f in megahertz (MHz) divided by 1000:



Convert 7 megahertz to gigahertz:


This is the formula that you will use and that our frequency converter uses for converting a frequency value in MHz to GHz. But, the difference is that you will do it manually and frequency converter will do it in split seconds.

How to Use Frequency Converter?

For using this tool, you just have to;

  • Click-open its link
  • Put your frequency value in the given box
  • Select initial and final unit
  • Click convert

Yes, it is as simple to use.