Estimate how long your house will stay with this house age calculator. This lets you estimate the predicted age of a home relative to the material.
The average lifespan of a newly formed house depends on various factors and the activities of repairing homes.
Houses can last for decades if they are kept in proper maintenance that includes supports like plumbing, water damage, electrical, and whitewashing.
Estimate building age based on architectural style and factors that determine the age of the building. Look at these:
There is a big quantity of material that is used in the construction of houses like wood, stone, brick, and concrete. So look for a house made with which material can last longer.
Material | Expected Life Span |
Concrete Structure | 50-60 Years |
Cement and Bricks Structure | 75-100 years |
Wooden Structure | 100-150 Years |
Stone Structure | 150-200 Years |
As with everything there is a fall so houses also can lose their glory and shine with the passage of time. So before buying or selling a house, it's important to estimate the age of the house.
For this purpose, the age of a house calculator is available that estimates when a house was built and which type of repair you need to do to lift the age of the house.
Using our calculator requires no technical experience. All you need to do includes:
After putting the above values in the house age calculator you will the following results.
From the source Home Age, When was my house built? How accurate is 'year-built' data? Are older properties more expensive to insure?
From the source Age of Buildings, How to Determine the Age of a Building?
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