With our online fraction calculator, simplify addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractional terms and also carry out other operations with ease. This reduce fractions calculator can also handle any type of fraction including mixed, improper, and complex fractions.
The Fraction Calculator will reduce fractional terms to its simplest form. You can also add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions, as well as, convert to a decimal and work with mixed numbers and reciprocals. We also offer step by step solutions.
Here is a more general rule to understand how to add and subtract fractions:
$$ \dfrac{a}{b} + \dfrac{c}{d} = \dfrac{ad + bc}{bd} $$
$$ \dfrac{a}{b} - \dfrac{c}{d} = \dfrac{ad - bc}{bd} $$
$$ = \dfrac{3}{2}+\dfrac{1}{3} = \dfrac{11}{6} $$
$$ = \dfrac{3}{4}+\dfrac{2}{5} = \dfrac{23}{20} $$
$$ = \dfrac{5}{6}+\dfrac{7}{8} = \dfrac{82}{48} $$
$$ = \dfrac{3}{2}-\dfrac{1}{3} = \dfrac{4}{6} $$
$$ = \dfrac{3}{4}-\dfrac{2}{5} = \dfrac{7}{20} $$
$$ = \dfrac{5}{6}-\dfrac{7}{8} = \dfrac{-2}{48} $$
To add fractions it is necessary to have the same denominators and if there is a difference in denominators then find out common denominators. This is the LCM of two denominators.
Once you have a common denominator, simply add the numerators and keep the denominator the same.
To understand the basic rules of fractional multiplication, easily solve a variety of math problems. The basic factors are as follows:
Use a fraction calculator to get the multiplication and division of fractional values because it has the ability to turn a number of fractions into their lowest decimal and mixed number fractions.
$$ \dfrac{a}{b} \times \dfrac{c}{d} = \dfrac{ac}{bd} $$
$$ = \dfrac{2}{3} \times \dfrac{2}{5} = \dfrac {4}{15} $$
$$ = \dfrac{1}{6} \times \dfrac{5}{4} = \dfrac {5}{24} $$
$$ = \dfrac{4}{6} \times \dfrac{5}{7} = \dfrac {10}{21} $$
Our fraction calculator can perform arithmetic operations on fractions. Their division rules are as follows:
Dividing fractions is the same as multiplying the first fractions by the reciprocal of the second fraction. The fractional division is made easy by taking into service the below formula:
$$ \dfrac{a}{b} \div \dfrac{c}{d} = \dfrac{ad}{bc} $$
$$ = \dfrac{2}{3} \div \dfrac{3}{4} = \dfrac {8}{9} $$
$$ = \dfrac{4}{7} \div \dfrac{5}{4} = \dfrac {16}{35} $$
$$ = \dfrac{6}{7} \div \dfrac{5}{3} = \dfrac {18}{35} $$
Symbol | Symbol name | Symbol Meaning |
+ | plus sign | addition |
- | minus sign | subtraction |
* | asterisk | multiplication |
× | times sign | multiplication |
: | division sign | division |
/ | division slash | division |
: | colon | complex fraction |
^ | caret | exponentiation / power |
() | parentheses | calculate expression inside first |
64th | 32nd | 16th | 8th | 4th | 2nd | Decimal | Decimal (inch to mm) |
1/64 | 0.015625 | 0.396875 | |||||
2/64 | 1/32 | 0.03125 | 0.79375 | ||||
3/64 | 0.046875 | 1.190625 | |||||
4/64 | 2/32 | 1/16 | 0.0625 | 1.5875 | |||
5/64 | 0.078125 | 1.984375 | |||||
6/64 | 3/32 | 0.09375 | 2.38125 | ||||
7/64 | 0.109375 | 2.778125 | |||||
8/64 | 4/32 | 2/16 | 1/8 | 0.125 | 3.175 | ||
9/64 | 0.140625 | 3.571875 | |||||
10/64 | 5/32 | 0.15625 | 3.96875 | ||||
11/64 | 0.171875 | 4.365625 | |||||
12/64 | 6/32 | 3/16 | 0.1875 | 4.7625 | |||
13/64 | 0.203125 | 5.159375 | |||||
14/64 | 7/32 | 0.21875 | 5.55625 | ||||
15/64 | 0.234375 | 5.953125 | |||||
16/64 | 8/32 | 4/16 | 2/8 | 1/4 | 0.25 | 6.35 | |
17/64 | 0.265625 | 6.746875 | |||||
18/64 | 9/32 | 0.28125 | 7.14375 | ||||
19/64 | 0.296875 | 7.540625 | |||||
20/64 | 10/32 | 5/16 | 0.3125 | 7.9375 | |||
21/64 | 0.328125 | 8.334375 | |||||
22/64 | 11/32 | 0.34375 | 8.73125 | ||||
23/64 | 0.359375 | 9.128125 | |||||
24/64 | 12/32 | 6/16 | 3/8 | 0.375 | 9.525 | ||
25/64 | 0.390625 | 9.921875 | |||||
26/64 | 13/32 | 0.40625 | 10.31875 | ||||
27/64 | 0.421875 | 10.715625 | |||||
28/64 | 14/32 | 7/16 | 0.4375 | 11.1125 | |||
29/64 | 0.453125 | 11.509375 | |||||
30/64 | 15/32 | 0.46875 | 11.90625 | ||||
31/64 | 0.484375 | 12.303125 | |||||
32/64 | 16/32 | 8/16 | 4/8 | 2/4 | 1/2 | 0.5 | 12.7 |
33/64 | 0.515625 | 13.096875 | |||||
34/64 | 17/32 | 0.53125 | 13.49375 | ||||
35/64 | 0.546875 | 13.890625 | |||||
36/64 | 18/32 | 9/16 | 0.5625 | 14.2875 | |||
37/64 | 0.578125 | 14.684375 | |||||
38/64 | 19/32 | 0.59375 | 15.08125 | ||||
39/64 | 0.609375 | 15.478125 | |||||
40/64 | 20/32 | 10/16 | 5/8 | 0.625 | 15.875 | ||
41/64 | 0.640625 | 16.271875 | |||||
42/64 | 21/32 | 0.65625 | 16.66875 | ||||
43/64 | 0.671875 | 17.065625 | |||||
44/64 | 22/32 | 11/16 | 0.6875 | 17.4625 | |||
45/64 | 0.703125 | 17.859375 | |||||
46/64 | 23/32 | 0.71875 | 18.25625 | ||||
47/64 | 0.734375 | 18.653125 | |||||
48/64 | 24/32 | 12/16 | 6/8 | 3/4 | 0.75 | 19.05 | |
49/64 | 0.765625 | 19.446875 | |||||
50/64 | 25/32 | 0.78125 | 19.84375 | ||||
51/64 | 0.796875 | 20.240625 | |||||
52/64 | 26/32 | 13/16 | 0.8125 | 20.6375 | |||
53/64 | 0.828125 | 21.034375 | |||||
54/64 | 27/32 | 0.84375 | 21.43125 | ||||
55/64 | 0.859375 | 21.828125 | |||||
56/64 | 28/32 | 14/16 | 7/8 | 0.875 | 22.225 | ||
57/64 | 0.890625 | 22.621875 | |||||
58/64 | 29/32 | 0.90625 | 23.01875 | ||||
59/64 | 0.921875 | 23.415625 | |||||
60/64 | 30/32 | 15/16 | 0.9375 | 23.8125 | |||
61/64 | 0.953125 | 24.209375 | |||||
62/64 | 31/32 | 0.96875 | 24.60625 | ||||
63/64 | 0.984375 | 25.003125 | |||||
64/64 | 32/32 | 16/16 | 8/8 | 4/4 | 2/2 | 1 | 25.4 |
Wikipedia: Fraction, Forms of fractions, Arithmetic with fractions, Fractions in abstract mathematics.
Wikihow: How to Do Fractions.
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