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Weight Converter


The common definition of weight is the measure of heaviness of an object or a person. However, the science describes it in a different way. Technically, the weight is not the same as mass, it is a force expressed in newton (N) exerted on an object’s mass, because of the gravitational acceleration.

Weight is equivalent to the mass multiplied by the acceleration due to the force of gravity on earth (9.8 m/s2). This means that this vector quantity will vary, when measured on a different planet, having a diverse gravitational pull.

Now, in order to measure this quantity, we use some measuring systems. The most standard and prevalent of them is the System International (SI) with units like, gram (g) and kilogram (kg). An additional system which includes: the pound (lb), the ounce (oz) and the stone (st) is called the imperial system.

In routine life, we are faced with situations where we need to convert these units in order to continue with various tasks. For example, an athlete may need to measure his weight in pounds, a shopkeeper sells goods like sugar in kg or any of the mathematical problems requiring conversions.

Are you looking for an online weight converter to assist you regarding the above said adaptations? Look no further, our online weight converter is well equipped to transform between different units. In this article, you will learn the basics of measuring units, conversion charts and how to use our converter?

International System of Units and conversions:

We have observed some of the measuring units at the start. Now let's study the kilogram unit. To begin the tale, you need to recall that trade took over globally, and we needed standardized measurements accepted in all parts of the world. It just wouldn't work, if the people decide to gauge things the way they like. A basic unit system, acknowledged in all parts of the world was the SI.

The kilogram was considered to be the same as one liter of water. This statement has some problems due to the change of water density with variation in temperature and pressure, making it compulsory to clear the doubts. Even today the kg is expressed as a metal piece, safely kept in Paris, with replicas all over the world.

How to convert kg to lbs?

Kg to Pounds: 1kg equals to 2.2046 pounds

From kg to g ….. 1kg = 1000g and g to kg is 1g= 1/1000 = 0.001kg

The Imperial System: Pound, Ounce and Stone


The imperial pound is officially defined as 453.59 grams. The name pound is derived from the Latin word Libra (the roman unit) hence acquires the symbol (lb). Throughout past the pound has been used as a measurement unit in different parts of the world, and it is still in use alongside the kg.

A significant characteristic of the pound is that in the start, it was used to quantify both mass and force. When the actual concept of mass and force was agreed, the pound was redefined as pound (for mass) and pound (for force). As we mentioned before, they are both pretty much the same as long as we remain on planet Earth.

How to convert lbs to kg?

Pound to kg: 1lb = 0.453 kg

How many grams in a pound?

Pounds to grams: 1lb = 453.59g


In the imperial system, the ounce is defined as 1/16 of pound. From there, you can change from lbs to kg to attain the SI value of an ounce. We can also get value of ounces from kilograms. The alterations are as follows:

1 lbs = 16 oz = 0.453 kg and 1 oz = 0.0625 lbs = 0.028 kg.


Stones are known from the eras when people used to estimate the weight of items by putting a similar mass of pebbles on the other side of a balance. With the advancement of measuring methods, the unit got homogenous and accepted as the stone, meaning that its value is no longer dependent on the size of pebbles. It is mostly used in British Isle and Ireland for measuring how much someone weighs rather than a unit for everything.

1 st = 14 lbs = 6.3502 kg.

Now, how to convert these units using our weight converter? The process is simple, all you need to do is select the desired unit from the box i.e. Kg, gram, pounds, ounce, and stone. After choosing unit, input the value inside the value box and click convert. That’s it our converter will do the rest. You can have any of the above mentioned conversions, within seconds.

Weight Conversion Chart:

Kilograms(kg) Ounces(oz) Stones(st) Pounds(lb)
5 176.37 0.787 11.023
10 352.74 1.574 22.04
15 529.10 2.362 33.07
20 705.51 3.149 44.09
25 881.8 3.937 55.12
30 1058.21 4.724 66.14
35 1234.6 5.512 77.16
40 1411 6.299 88.18
45 1587.32 7.086 99.2
50 1763.71 7.874 110.23
55 1940 8.661 121.25
60 2116.41 9.448 132.28
65 2293 10.23 143.3
70 2469 11.023 154.32
75 2645.50 11.81 165.35
80 2822 12.59 176.37
85 2998 13.38 187.4
90 3174.72 14.17 198.4
95 3351 14.96 209.44
100 3527.41 15.74 220.46

We are optimistic that this article will assist you in understanding the unit concept. Our online weight converter is designed to perform the conversion operations with precision and speed. Ultimately, it will prove valuable for the routine transformations of these measuring units saving your precious time. Good luck!

How To Use Weight Converter

How to use weight converter