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Remainder Calculator


Remainder Calculator is a free online tool that displays the quotient and remainder of your division process. Our long division calculator helps you divide any number and calculate the results in teh form of exact remainder value.

What Is Remainder?

In the Mathematics:

“If the dividend is not wholly divisible by the divisor, then there is a leftover value called the Remainder.”

The remainder is always smaller than the divisor.

Remainder Formula:

Remainder is the remaining amount after the division operation is applied. A division is the reverse of a multiplication. When you can perform division, write it as the following equation.

Dividend/Divisor= quotient+remainder/divisor

a/n= q+r/n

Whereas in the process of division, there are four main things to be considered that include:

  • Dividend: The number you want to divide.
  • Divisor: By which you divide the dividend.
  • Quotient: The answer we obtain in the division process. 
  • Remainder: The leftover value in the division process.

How To Calculate The Remainder?

Divide a dividend by the divisor and find the answer as a quotient with the remainder. Learn how to solve the long division using our remainder calculator to check your answer. 

Moreover, we will provide you with an example to demonstrate what its purpose is.

Example # 1:

Let’s suppose that you need to divide 5 by 3. How to do division?



By their division, we get a quotient that is 1, and the leftover is 2. It's a time to find out the parts of the division.

5 is Dividend, 3 is the Divisor, answer 1 is the quotient, and the leftover 2 is the remainder.

Working of Our Remainder Calculator:

Our calculator is loaded with a simple user interface that allows you to enter the required numbers to get results in seconds. Let’s learn how!


  • Enter the expression you want to divide
  • Now click the button “Calculate” to get your result


The remainder calculator will give you the output of long division problems as: 

  • Remainder of long divisions
  • Quotient of long divisions


What Are The Ways Of Describing The Remainder?

There are three ways to write the remainder:

  • With an R, 
  • As a fraction, and 
  • As a decimal

For example, when 821 is divided by 4, it would be written as:

  • 205 R 1
  • 205 ¼
  • 205.25 

Are There Any Negative Remainders?

No, the value of the remainder can never be negative. Euclid's division method lemma states that no matter how the equation is written, the negative integer can never be used as a remainder.

Remainder Chart:

Numbers Remainder
2 divided by 3 2
24 divided by 3 0
5 divided by 3 2
7 divided by 3 1
8 divided by 3 2
25 divided by 2 1
60 divided by 4 0
20 divided by 3 2
32 divided by 2 0
32 divided by 4 0
3 divided by 4 0
15 divided by 2 1
3 divided by 5 0
30 divided by 4 2
24 divided by 4 0
19 divided by 2 1
27 divided by 3 0
5 divided by 8 0
5 divided by 2 1
4 divided by 6 4
52 divided by 2 0
14 divided by 4 2
9 divided by 11 9
52 divided by 4 0
11 divided by 2 1
25 divided by 4 1
25 divided by 3 1
75 divided by 5 0
20 divided by 6 2
15 divided by 4 3
48 divided by 8 0
4 divided by 20 4
48 divided by 4 0
75 divided by 4 3
13 divided by 2 1
24 divided by 7 3
45 divided by 2 1
18 divided by 5 3
32 divided by 8 0
7 divided by 4 3
22 divided by 3 1
15 divided by 6 3
18 divided by 4 2
180 divided by 5 0
34 divided by 4 2
92 divided by 4 0
22 divided by 4 2
1 divided by 6 4
13 divided by 3 1
26 divided by 3 2
32 divided by 3 2
55 divided by 2 1
17 divided by 4 1
5 divided by 7 1
62 divided by 2 0
1000 divided by 60 40
27 divided by 2 1
48 divided by 2 0
11 divided by 4 3
60 divided by 8 4


From the source Wikipedia: Remainder, Integer division, Examples, For floating-point numbers, In programming languages, Polynomial division

From the source Lumen Learning:  Long Division